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CSI Synology – Using Synology CSI driver in Kubernetes to do snapshots

Kubernetes established it’s so called Container Storage Interface (CSI) to enable storage vendors to build a plugin, so that their storage plays nicely with Kubernetes and the vendor specific features (like snapshots) can be used on a Kubernetes cluster. Lately, I found out, that Synology provides an open source CSI driver which can do online volume resizes, snapshots and so on. So, I tried it out.

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Get me those metrics – Use Prometheus WAL-G backup exporter

Since I rely heavily on the Zalando Spilo image as Postgres setup in my Kubernetes Homelab, I wanted to have those WAL-G backups that I make also within my Prometheus / Grafana setup. I had a look on existing solutions and found only but one which is no longer actively maintained as it seems. So I took this Prometheus WAL-G metric exporter written in Python, and made it working for me. I want to show you, how I use it as a sidecar on my Spilo Postgres pods and what is the outcome of it.

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Using etcd as Patroni DCS with the Zalando Postgres Operator

Patroni is a reliable cluster software for Postgres which, when running on Kubernetes, can use the Kubernetes API itself as DCS (Distributed Config Store). This is very nice, but on Kubernetes clusters with an unreliable API / Controlplane, this can lead to demotion of your cluster leader and thereby unhappy users. Gladly, Patroni supports other setups as DCS like etcd.

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A pinch of salt – Encrypt WAL-G PostgreSQL backups

WAL-G is a widely known backup software for Postgres databases. One of it’s features is to backup to S3 storage out of the box. Also it’s capable to encrypt those backups and WAL archives with several encryption methods (e.g. libsodium). Since WAL-G is implemented within the Zalanndo Spilo image and therefore deployed by default with the Zalando Postgres Operator on Kubernetes, I had a deeper look on how to get encrypted backups implemented there, cause this is not documented well.

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Game cache – Setup local Steam cache that plays nice with piHole

Having a weak internet connection and a huge Steam game collection at the same time can be hard to manage. Since many years there is the LAN Cache project, which provides a DNS interception between your Steam client and the actual download servers of Steam. But having this play nicely with my piHole setup was not so easy.

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Enhanced with plugins – Make ArgoCD more powerful with plugins running as sidecar

The power of ArgoCD can be enhanced by the use of so called plugins. A plugin will operate during a refresh operation. It has access to the checked out repository and may manipulate data before syncing it to your Kubernetes clusters. I use it for encrypt my git-crypt encrypted repositories, before manifests will get applied to my Kubernetes cluster.

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Dip it – Deploy Apache Guacamole on Kubernetes

With Apache Guacamole, you can use all kind of different remote desktop protocols (like SSH, VNC, RDP) to access your remote machines. Guacamole can run fine on Docker, but it’s a bit tricky to deploy on a Kubernetes environment. I haven’t found an existing deployment for the current version of Guacamole, so I decided to create my own.

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