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Get me those metrics – Use Prometheus WAL-G backup exporter

Since I rely heavily on the Zalando Spilo image as Postgres setup in my Kubernetes Homelab, I wanted to have those WAL-G backups that I make also within my Prometheus / Grafana setup. I had a look on existing solutions and found only but one which is no longer actively maintained as it seems. So I took this Prometheus WAL-G metric exporter written in Python, and made it working for me. I want to show you, how I use it as a sidecar on my Spilo Postgres pods and what is the outcome of it.

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Using etcd as Patroni DCS with the Zalando Postgres Operator

Patroni is a reliable cluster software for Postgres which, when running on Kubernetes, can use the Kubernetes API itself as DCS (Distributed Config Store). This is very nice, but on Kubernetes clusters with an unreliable API / Controlplane, this can lead to demotion of your cluster leader and thereby unhappy users. Gladly, Patroni supports other setups as DCS like etcd.

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