The power of ArgoCD can be enhanced by the use of so called plugins. A plugin will operate during a refresh operation. It has access to the checked out repository and may manipulate data before syncing it to your Kubernetes clusters. I use it for encrypt my git-crypt encrypted repositories, before manifests will get applied to my Kubernetes cluster.
There are two possible options to implement ArgoCD, one is the option to implement it via a Configmap, the second is, to run the plugin within a sidecar container of the ArgoCD repo server. Lately I stumbled over the information, that the Argo project decided to deprecate the option of using plugins via Configmap with the upcoming version 2.6. This is how I have implemented my plugins at the moment. So, to be prepared, I decided to have a look into running plugins within a sidecar container. I want to share this learning process with you here, cause the official documentation lacks on many information in my opinion.
Let’s take one step back first. If you wonder what plugins might be useful for, here are two examples what I use them for:
- Decrypting my git-crypt encrypted repositories. Else Argo can not process encrypted manifests obviously.
- Templating of my Git repos (I’m using gomplate for that) before the manifests will get applied
We will use the example plugin from the official Argo website (with some changes though, cause this will not work as described). Also, there is the possibility, to “bake in” the actual plugin manifest to the sidecar container image. I decided against that cause my plugins are not that complex, and I don’t want to build a new image every time I change something in my script. So we will still configure the plugin manifest within a Configmap.
Let’s start with that. Let’s create a Configmap that holds the plugin manifest. Although it is of kind: ConfigManagementPlugin
, it is not a CRD. It’s only something that Argo can parse later and therefore has a fixed structure:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: cmp-plugin
namespace: argocd
plugin.yaml: |
kind: ConfigManagementPlugin
name: cmp-plugin
version: v1.0
command: [sh, -c, 'echo "Initializing..."']
command: [sh, -c, 'echo "{\"kind\": \"ConfigMap\", \"apiVersion\": \"v1\", \"metadata\": { \"name\": \"$ARGOCD_APP_NAME\", \"namespace\": \"$ARGOCD_APP_NAMESPACE\", \"annotations\": {\"Foo\": \"$ARGOCD_ENV_FOO\", \"KubeVersion\": \"$KUBE_VERSION\", \"KubeApiVersion\": \"$KUBE_API_VERSIONS\",\"Bar\": \"baz\"}}}"']
fileName: "./plugin-run"
I want to share some more words on the ConfigManagementPlugin
. As you might have recognized, it’s divided in three sections: discover
, init
and generate
. Having a discover
section is mandatory when running a plugin in a sidecar. The reason for that is, that you no longer are allowed to specify which plugin to run within your Application
or ApplicationSet
. All plugins will run in random order, if it will actually be used is defined by the result of the discover
script. You really should avoid that two or more plugins can be triggered for one Application
. In the above example, the discover
part will check for a file plugin-run
. If it exists (in the application repository path
), the plugin will get triggered to run and the next step will be defined in the init
section. Here you can do more or less what you want, having an init
section is optional in my experience. The third and last step (generate
) is again mandatory. It has one requirement, the result of this section needs to generate something that is able to be processed by Kubernetes, so it needs to be valid YAML
. Last but not least, you may wonder about the environment variables I’m using in the example (they differ from the official documentation). Every user defined environment variable in an Application
needs to be prefixed with ARGOCD_ENV_
within the plugin.
The above example plugin should create a JSON formated manifest of a ConfigMap
Next, we need to update the ArgoCD deployment and add something like the following to it. It describes the sidecar that should run in the ArgoCD Repo Server pod. In my Github repository, you can find a Kustomize overlay, that will do the patching of the original deployment for you.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: argocd-repo-server
- name: cmp
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 999
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
command: [/var/run/argocd/argocd-cmp-server]
- mountPath: /var/run/argocd
name: var-files
- mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/plugins
name: plugins
- mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/config/plugin.yaml
subPath: plugin.yaml
name: cmp-plugin
- mountPath: /tmp
name: cmp-tmp
- name: cmp-plugin
name: cmp-plugin
- emptyDir: {}
name: cmp-tmp
I use my own built kube-tools
image for running the sidecar container. It has some additional tooling installed which you might find handy. Because this demo is not using any tools that are not present on most container images, you may want to change it to busybox
or alpine
Having the sidecar running under the user ID 999
is a must again. Else you will have issues using the repository data that is getting checked out and processed by the plugin.
The next and final step is to create an application for ArgoCD. An example app is part of the kustomization overlay in my Github repo. If you want to use it, you need to add my cookbook git repo to your ArgoCD repositories.
kind: Application
name: plugin-demo
namespace: argocd
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: default
project: default
path: kubernetes/argocd/manifests/plugin-example
- name: FOO
value: bar
targetRevision: HEAD
prune: true
selfHeal: true
Now apply all the manifests (best using the kustomization.yaml
from my repo first). If all goes well, you should see something like this in your Argo UI.
You might recognize something interesting. The path
within the application points to another kustomization.yaml
which would normally deploy a simple busybox pod to your cluster. With the running plugin, there is only the configmap created which we specified within the plugin. This is, because as I wrote before, the plugin output needs to be YAML or JSON. But we leave out the original application YAML and just deliver the configmap as output. If you want to also add the rest of your application, you need to append something like && kustomize build . -o kustomize.out && cat kustomize.out
to your plugin.
If you check the logs of the sidecar container, you can see log output like the following:
time="2022-12-02T15:01:19Z" level=info msg="ArgoCD ConfigManagementPlugin Server is starting" built="2022-11-28T16:51:33Z" commit=0c7de210ae66bf631cc4f27ee1b5cdc0d04c1c96 version=v2.5.3+0c7de21 time="2022-12-02T15:01:19Z" level=info msg="argocd-cmp-server v2.5.3+0c7de21 serving on /home/argocd/cmp-server/plugins/cmp-plugin-v1.0.sock" time="2022-12-02T15:02:13Z" level=info msg="finished streaming call with code OK" grpc.code=OK grpc.method=MatchRepository grpc.service=plugin.ConfigManagementPluginService grpc.start_time="2022-12-02T15:02:13Z" grpc.time_ms=2.851 span.kind=server system=grpc time="2022-12-02T15:02:13Z" level=info msg="Generating manifests with no request-level timeout" time="2022-12-02T15:02:13Z" level=info msg="sh -c echo \"Initializing...\"" dir=/tmp/_cmp_server/7b5268f4-24c7-483b-af1b-a7af12323e09/kubernetes/argocd/manifests/plugin-example execID=7688b time="2022-12-02T15:02:13Z" level=info msg="sh -c echo \"{\\\"kind\\\": \\\"ConfigMap\\\", \\\"apiVersion\\\": \\\"v1\\\", \\\"metadata\\\": { \\\"name\\\": \\\"$ARGOCD_APP_NAME\\\", \\\"namespace\\\": \\\"$ARGOCD_APP_NAMESPACE\\\", \\\"annotations\\\": {\\\"Foo\\\": \\\"$ARGOCD_ENV_FOO\\\", \\\"KubeVersion\\\": \\\"$KUBE_VERSION\\\", \\\"KubeApiVersion\\\": \\\"$KUBE_API_VERSIONS\\\",\\\"Bar\\\": \\\"baz\\\"}}}\"" dir=/tmp/_cmp_server/7b5268f4-24c7-483b-af1b-a7af12323e09/kubernetes/argocd/manifests/plugin-example execID=ff873 time="2022-12-02T15:02:13Z" level=info msg="finished streaming call with code OK" grpc.code=OK grpc.method=GenerateManifest grpc.service=plugin.ConfigManagementPluginService grpc.start_time="2022-12-02T15:02:13Z" grpc.time_ms=50.778 span.kind=server system=grpc
The final configmap looks like this, as you can see, our environment variable was injected correctly:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
Bar: baz
Foo: bar
KubeVersion: '1.24'
labels: plugin-demo
name: plugin-demo
namespace: default
Update 08.02.2023: The deprecation of CMPs configured within a configmap has been delayed until Argo 2.7. Also there was the decision, to reimplement the possibility to specify which plugin should be used within the Application / Applicationset manifest as
. This comes with a price though.
- Different from the description above, your
must not have adiscovery
section when you want to specify it
in the Application. - You cannot specify which plugin to be used by
, as long as you have a version specified in yourConfigManagementPlugin
. If you want to have different versions for your CMPs, you need to specify the version within
. I for myself removed the version from the CMP specification.