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How hard can it be? – Creating your own Kubernetes Operator with Ansible – Part 1

One can extend the power of Kubernetes using a so called Operator. A Operator is a piece of software, that runs constantly in a loop and checks for resources to manage. A Operator normally is written in GoLang, but the Operator Framework of Kubernetes enables you also to create one using Ansible roles or playbooks.

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Bastard Operator from Hell? – Giving the Kubernetes Oracle Database Operator a try

Oracle want’s to participate in the open source movement lately, making itself known as “an Open Source company”. Part of this is the Oracle Database Operator for Kubernetes. It’s an early version (0.1.0) that I’ve tested out, so it offers only a limited set of features as of now. Let’s move it to it’s paces, shall we?

Read More »Bastard Operator from Hell? – Giving the Kubernetes Oracle Database Operator a try