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I’ll stay bare metal – 6 reasons why you should give Kubernetes a try

About a year ago, I didn’t want to have anything to do with Docker or Kubernetes. I admit, I didn’t like the concept. This whole new fancy stuff, where is the use in it anyway and why should I not stick to my beloved Virtual Machines? Not one person could convince me otherwise or even could explain to me a real good usecase. What happened that changed my mind?

Read More »I’ll stay bare metal – 6 reasons why you should give Kubernetes a try

How hard can it be? – Creating your own Kubernetes Operator with Ansible – Part 1

One can extend the power of Kubernetes using a so called Operator. A Operator is a piece of software, that runs constantly in a loop and checks for resources to manage. A Operator normally is written in GoLang, but the Operator Framework of Kubernetes enables you also to create one using Ansible roles or playbooks.

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Backup to S3 – Configure Zalando Postgres Operator Backup with WAL-G

Doing basebackups of Postgres databases enables you to do a Point-in-time recovery (PITR) of your database. Doing backups for your databases that have been deployed using the Zalando Postgres Operator, is a different beast. Here I show you how it’s done with a MinIO (self)hosted S3 compatible Object Storage.

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Kubernetes cert-manager mit Hetzner DNS nutzen

Mit Hilfe von cert-manager, können wir unsere Zertifikate auf einem Kubernetes Cluster automatisiert verwalten. Zusammen mit einem Ingress-Controller werden automatisch Let’s Encrypt Zertifikate für unsere Services erstellt und bei Ablauf automatisch erneuert. Cert-manager kann mit vielen verschiedenen DNS Anbietern ohne große Anpassung arbeiten, der DNS Dienst von Hetzner ist allerdings nicht dabei. Und darum geht es in diesem Beitrag.

Read More »Kubernetes cert-manager mit Hetzner DNS nutzen