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I’ll stay bare metal – 6 reasons why you should give Kubernetes a try

About a year ago, I didn’t want to have anything to do with Docker or Kubernetes. I admit, I didn’t like the concept. This whole new fancy stuff, where is the use in it anyway and why should I not stick to my beloved Virtual Machines? Not one person could convince me otherwise or even could explain to me a real good usecase. What happened that changed my mind?

Read More »I’ll stay bare metal – 6 reasons why you should give Kubernetes a try

How hard can it be? – Creating your own Kubernetes Operator with Ansible – Part 1

One can extend the power of Kubernetes using a so called Operator. A Operator is a piece of software, that runs constantly in a loop and checks for resources to manage. A Operator normally is written in GoLang, but the Operator Framework of Kubernetes enables you also to create one using Ansible roles or playbooks.

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It can do Windows too – Running Ansible on Windows

Running Ansible playbooks against Linux systems is common. The Ansible core team and the community have developed all sorts of modules that grow day by day in functionality. But there is also a quite broad base on modules, which have a Windows couterpart. I thought, it must be hard to get the communication right between Ansible and a Windows system, but it’s easier than you might think. And because it’s more fun, let’s do it with OpenSSH instead of WinRM.

Read More »It can do Windows too – Running Ansible on Windows